Put Down the Phone, Pick Up the Robe: Unplugged’s Latest Innovation in Digital Detoxing

To help couples reconnect, Unplugged —the UK’s leading digital detox escape — is launching the Reconnect Robe.
Unplugged Bracken Cabin with two people wearing the Unplugged Robe
Unplugged Bracken Cabin With Two People Wearing The Unplugged Robe.
Image of the Unplugged Robe Credit 10 Days. Image of the Unplugged Bracken Cabin Adam Firman.

You know it. We know it. Phones are a killjoy when it comes to relationships. It’s no surprise that  46% of people in relationships feel phubbed—ignored in favour of a partner’s screen. Even something as seemingly innocent as a phone placed face-down on the table can lower intimacy, diminishing the depth of our conversations and connection. And let’s not get started on the impact phones have on bedroom activities.

Understanding this tech dilemma, Unplugged, the UK’s leading digital detox escape, is taking their philosophy beyond their phone-free cabins with the launch of the Reconnect Robe. Designed to encourage distraction-free quality time, this oversized, wrap-around robe is a playful yet powerful reminder to put the phone away and focus on each other.

The Robe That Brings You Closer

Inspired by the immersive, off-grid experiences at Unplugged’s 32 secluded cabins across the UK (and now one in Spain), the Reconnect Robe is meant for two. It envelops couples in a shared moment of togetherness while playfully nudging them toward activities that foster real intimacy. The robe comes with card prompts, suggesting joint activities you can do together in the robe, like robe yoga, act out a Titanic scene, and even walking (or running) in each other’s shoes. 

The goal?

To create those small, meaningful interactions that bring couples closer, just like the Unplugged experience itself.

Unplugged Logo
Unplugged Reconnect Robe With Reconnect Cards.
Unplugged Reconnect Robe With Reconnect Cards.
Image Credit 10 Days
A Couple In An Unplugged Reconnect Robe Doing Yoga

A Couple In An Unplugged Reconnect Robe Doing Yoga.
Image Credit 10 Days

A couple in a Unplugged Reconnect Robe Drinking Coffee Together

Unplugged Reconnect Robe Drinking Coffee Together.
Image Credit 10 Days

Why Unplugging Matters for Relationships

Couples seeking to rekindle connection are already making Unplugged a priority. 67% of Unplugged’s bookings are from couples, with escaping as a couple cited as the top reason for their retreat. The science behind it is compelling:

  • Phubbing is contagious—when one partner checks their phone, the other is more likely to do the same.

  • Even a phone placed face-down reduces focus and connection, making quality time feel fragmented.

  • True quality time together boosts oxytocin, the love hormone, which deepens relationships and increases intimacy.

Unplugged’s approach is based on extensive research, with their 72-hour digital detox giving guests the time needed, according to experts, to experience better sleep, reduce stress, sharper focus, and, crucially, improved relationships.

Unplugged Reconnect Robe With Reconnect Cards
Unplugged Reconnect Robe With Reconnect Cards.
Image Credit 10 Days
Unplugged Logo

Website: unplugged.rest
Founders: Hector Hughes & Ben Elliot
PR Contact: Emily Hallinan
Email: [email protected]
Location: UK & Spain

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