Natural Dyes and Sustainable Fashion Production with Inseparable

PLEB asked the Co-founder of Inseparable to say a few words about her clothing line and how Inseparable uses natural dyes in their production process and why.

Words by Julie Wojtkiewicz, Co Founder & Creative Director of Inseparable

The dyeing process is often overlooked in the fashion industry and little do we know about the devastating consequences it has on the environment and our health. Living in Malaysia for three years years, I quickly learned about the ancient batik technique which uses natural plants, seeds, roots to colour clothes while making beautiful patterns on traditional clothes. I was amazed by this beautiful process which seemed to me to have a real connection with nature and people. I then wondered if other plants/flowers/ ingredients we found in our day to day could dye clothes and I started experimenting in my kitchen : avocado, onion skins, wilted flowers.

From there, I read & researched about the dyeing processes used in the fashion industry today and studies now showed the amount of toxic chemicals added to garments to colour them and to transport them from countries to countries. I realised that we could bring back those ancient techniques to life to create a cleaner and more sustainable fashion: one that would connect with nature & ourselves.

At Inseparable, we use dyes made from flowers, fruits, and plants that are repurposed rather than discarded such as your weekly bouquet of flowers, onion skins, berries etc… This reduces waste, avoids harmful chemicals, and provides benefits to your skin. By utilising plant-based materials and embracing slow, made-to-order fashion, we promote environmental responsibility while creating timeless, durable pieces that reconnect wearers with nature. This approach to natural dyeing not only helps minimise the negative impact on the planet but it also provides women with a healthier & toxic free wardrobe.

Combining both organic fabrics and natural dyes creates a soft but romantic aesthetic with a rich and high quality texture. The durability of the fabrics is improved by the absence of harsh chemicals, allowing them to wear beautifully over time and result in garments that feel gentler and softer on the skin, often providing benefits to your skin too ( example: using turmeric that contains anti-inflammatory properties will help soothe your skin) .

The uniqueness of Inseparable comes from the delicate variations in the natural dyeing process, which make each piece a one-of-a-kind and very unique. Our clientele gets a bespoke & personalised item they will never see on anyone else. We also offer full transparency on how we build & create each garment and minimise our impact every step of the way by using upcycled materials, small-batch production, and the artistic element of ancient craftsmanship.

Isabella Dress, made with natural dyes from
Isabella Dress, from Inseparable
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Isabella Dress, made with natural dyes from - Back view
Back view of the Isabella Dress, from Inseparable.
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Blouse by Inseperable using natural dyes
Blouse from Inseparable.
Image courtesy of Inseparable

The Gentle Challenge of Natural Dyes and How To Can Embrace Them

Words by Hayley Bliss
Natural dyes, like the plants they come from, grow in their own time. They ask for patience—colors coaxed slowly from roots and leaves, often less predictable, more subtle than the bold uniformity of synthetics. Their hues may shift with the seasons, their shades may fade like memories, but in this lies their beauty: they remind us that nature’s palette is living, breathing, and ever-changing.

Yes, the process is slower, the pigments softer, but innovation is on the rise. New techniques are emerging, pushing the limits of what these organic colors can do. As the world awakens to the true cost of fast fashion, more brands are listening to the earth’s whispers, turning to nature for their dyes.

The supply may not yet flood the market, but a quiet revolution is stirring. As more of us seek harmony between what we wear and the world we live in, these natural hues—vibrant, sustainable, alive—are finding their place in the threads of our future.

Flora Silk Scarf made by Inseparable
Flora Silk Scarf made by Inseparable.
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Flora scarf from Inseparable
Flora scarf from Inseparable
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Model wearing Mateo Trousers and Tom Blazer, from Inseparable, made with natural dyes
Model wearing Mateo Trousers and Tom Blazer, from Inseparable, made with natural dyes.
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Clemence Silk Scarf made with natural dyes from Inseparable
Clemence Silk Scarf from Inseparable
Image courtesy of Inseparable
Blouse by Inseperable using natural dyes - Back view
Inseparable blouse from the back.
Image courtesy of Inseparable

How You Can Make sure you Shop for Clothing that uses Natural Dyes?

So, how can you make a difference? Begin by seeking out brands that color their fabrics with the earth’s gifts—those using natural dyes or eco-friendly practices. These pioneers are stitching a future where fashion and sustainability walk hand in hand. If your hands long for a creative touch, try dyeing at home, using the humble beauty of avocado pits, turmeric, or onion skins to infuse your clothes with nature’s palette. There’s no need to transform your wardrobe all at once. Start small. Choose naturally dyed garments or embrace the charm of second-hand treasures. With each thoughtful choice, you’re part of a larger shift—a quiet yet powerful movement. As the call for sustainable fashion grows, the industry will respond, and these natural dyes will help lighten fashion’s footprint on the earth.
Mimi Bandeau Top, made with natural dyes from
Mimi Bandeau Top, from Inseparable
Image courtesy of Inseparable