Finding a Higher Purpose Through Drawing & Meditation

Anya Liesnik is an Artist & a Therapeutical Art Life Coach, helping Purpose Seekers find Pathways to the Life of their Dreams through her Art & Coaching Programs, using her unique Transformational Drawing Method.

Fragment of the The Spirit of NYC by Anya Liesnik
Fragment of the The Spirit of NYC by Anya Liesnik.
Image courtesy of y Anya Liesnik.

Interview with Anya Liesnik

1. Where are you located? Is that where you’re from?
I live in London. I am originally from Kiev, Ukraine. I lived 17 Years in Germany and 4 in the UK.
2. Do you have an education in art, are you self-taught, or a mixture of both?
I graduated in Fashion Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht, The Netherlands. I was drawing and painting my whole life. After finishing the Academy, I started my own luxury fashion brand, which very quickly found its way to Hollywood and was present at the majority of the red carpet events and Awards like The Oscars, Grammies, and Amy Awards just to name a few. I was creating evening gowns & stage outfits, beloved by Hollywood celebrities. One day I realized, that I reached my childhood dream to become a celebrity fashion designer. But somehow it didn’t feel right for me anymore.
3. How did you go from renowned fashion designer to therapeutic art practitioner?
My transformation journey started roughly eight years
ago when, I suddenly realized, that my life felt like I was in the wrong movie. My 10-year-long relationship with my partner broke in pieces, my celebrity fashion career didn’t make me happy anymore, and I found myself living in what felt like the wrong country, having a life that I didn’t enjoy anymore.
Everything was different. I was different. I had no clue who I was and what I wanted. This is where I returned to my oldest companion – drawing. I also found a lot of resources for learning psychology techniques & practising guided
meditations. I started exploring myself & my hidden talents.
Not only did I apply psychology techniques & go deep into my subconscious via meditations, but I also started drawing what I saw, transforming my reality literally on paper. The more I transformed my reality, the more I realised, that people around me started seeking advice from me. And I really enjoyed guiding them towards their aspirations. I kept
learning different techniques & discovering new ways of re-building reality towards happiness, wealth & self-realization.
I’m a certified Art Therapeutical Life Coach, an Artist & a Course Creator now.

A few years after that I moved to the UK, found the love of my life & built a family, along the way I found my unique path to self-realization and clearly understood who I am.

This is how I developed my Transformational Drawing Method.
Anya Liesnik Profile Picture in her studio
Anya Liesnik in her studio
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
The Pool of Energy by Anya Liesnik
The Pool of Energy by Anya Liesnik.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session..
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
4. What was the process you undertook to create the Transformational Drawing Method program?
At some point, I started offering Transformational Drawing Sessions in the area, where I used to live – in Clapham Theatre Café, London It’s been a success! People enjoyed drawing and meditation while having a morning coffee & the insights they brought home afterwards. However, I noticed, that one-time sessions were not enough to get the
real result in life. Transformational Drawing is a process, it’s a self-discovery journey, that a person commits to herself/himself.
I wanted to make the program accessible to everyone from everywhere in the world. Also, to create a proper artwork, everyone needs their own time. The online program allows the participant to find his/her own rhythm and follow the course in a flow, not rush.
Creating the program was the most natural thing for me – it’s like puzzle pieces which came together. I created a 3 month Transformational Drawing Artistic Program: Purpose through Art.
5. Can you explain what happens in your classes?
The program starts with setting a request for each individual – “why are you here and what would you like to achieve in life after completing the program?”
The course involves different Modules & touches on different topics like Relationships, Money, Energy, Purpose, and Self-Realisation. The process involves guided meditations and drawing/painting of what we have seen in the meditation. Then we have live online sessions with me to discuss the drawings & insights in a group.
After that, we transform it. This is where everything suddenly makes sense. The more we go on the discovery journey, the more deep & exciting it gets for each person in the group. I find the group makes the insights even stronger, by sharing thoughts with like-minded people. It’s like you’ve joined a secret world of a magical community.
There are some lessons dedicated to drawing & painting techniques and a part, which is in particular interesting for artists – how to start selling your art and make a business out of it (speak self-realisation).
The course has a clear structure, however, each group is unique and the insights are unpredictable. This is the beauty of the program, that opens up like a flower, with the time.
The Waterfall of Wealth by Anya Liesnik
The Waterfall of Wealth by Anya Liesnik.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik in drawing mode
Anya Liesnik
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik

How Can People Join the Purpose through Art Program?

6. Where do you hold the in-person classes?
At the moment I offer the unique possibility to join the online program. I occasionally do Masterminds in London or sessions for Clubs or Businesses, who want to provide this unique experience as a Mindfulness
activity to their employees.
My focus though is to create a big community online, so everyone has the chance to become a part of it.
7. What materials do people need for your classes?
We start simple with some drawing tools. Depending on experience you are free to use any drawing or painting tool, canvas or paper. I encourage my students to experiment. This is also a part of the transformation. However, the great part about the program and the method itself is – you
don’t need any experience in drawing/painting, meditation or psychology. You can relax and go with the flow.
8. Why would somebody join one of your classes?

This course is for people who could be looking for the following:

  • Home decoration lovers, who are passionate about creating meaningful, mindful spaces in your home with your own, very personal artworks. You could be looking to transform your environment into a sanctuary, that reflects your values and nurtures your wellbeing.
  • Artist or creative, looking to deepen their level of creativity by making own artworks very personal and unique, create own signature style & start selling their art.
  • Purpose seekers, who feel like they are not in the right place in life, ready to move on, but struggling to find their way to explore transformation towards your aspirations. Ready to create an action plan and get results in real life.
  • Professionals, looking for a move from 9-5 job towards the business of their purpose. They’ve already tried psychoanalysis or coaching, but haven’t found solutions there.
You can join the waiting list for the next round of the program to be the first one who receives updates, early bird prices & bonuses through the following link:
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and students in her therapeutic art session.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session.
Anya Liesnik and a student in her therapeutic art session.
Image courtesy of Anya Liesnik
Anya Liesnik Art logo

Founder: Anya Liesnik
Contact: [email protected]
Instagram: anyaliesnikart
Location: UK