Liminal Art Inspired By Nature With Victoria Harris

Victoria Harris’s art is inspired by nature and the liminal spaces found around her, invoking light, colour, and texture to create beautiful artwork.

Cilix By Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris.

An Interview with Artist Victoria Harris

With nature at the core of her artwork, we sat down with artist Victoria Harris to learn what influences her art and the process behind her creative expression.

Where are you located? Is that where you’re from?
I live in Guildford, Surrey now but I grew up in Cornwall.

Did you study art, are you self-taught or a mixture of both?
I studied art to A level and then went on to train in Graphic Design which is my career. Painting is my side passion project!

What mediums do you work with?
I use Acrylics on canvas or board. I love using metallics along with artist’s paste to create texture and movement in my pieces.

Parthenopaeus by Victoria Harris
Parthenopaeus by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris
Euphro by Victoria Harris
Euphro by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris

What size are your works?
The largest piece I have created was 1.5 meters wide which was a commission earlier this year for a client.

However, I also love working on a smaller scale. I have an exhibition coming up at the end of this year in Guildford and the pieces I have created for that are all 40 x 30cm – a bit smaller than the large-scale commission from earlier this year!

Can you tell us about your creative process? How does an idea evolve from concept to completion in your work?
Photography is another of my passions. I will quite often capture beautiful scenery in a photograph which I will use as my inspiration for a painting. Once I have an idea in my head the excitement about creating it builds, and I manage to find the time from somewhere to be able to paint.

How does a sense of place influence your work?
Greatly! I love where I live and feel really familiar in the area’s surroundings. Most of my work is based on nature and scenery and I really appreciate that whenever

I’m out and about in all weathers. I’m really outdoorsy so even if it’s raining I get out and go for a run in the woods. I think my affinity with nature really helps fuel my passion for painting.

Sthenelaus by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris
Lycomedes by Victoria Harris
Lycomedes by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victroia Harris

What inspires your art?
The sea is a huge draw to me as I grew up in Cornwall so I love visiting the South Coast and the Suffolk coastline for inspiration. Even though Surrey is a landlocked county, we’re so lucky to have the beautiful countryside around the Guildford area. Pewley Downs and the Chantry Woods are stunning in all weathers and rapidly change depending on the seasons. Even just different lights at various times of day can make a potential painting look completely different.

How would you describe your artistic style to someone unfamiliar with your work
Definitely abstract, and obviously contemporary. I love using the textures and colours of nature which are constantly moving and evolving.

I always pay strong attention to the light source which plays on the pieces creating mood and energy. In all of my work there is a definite depth and movement, you feel you are caught up in the piece. The textures make them come alive creating their own shadows and highlights.

Do you have any rituals or routines that help you get into a creative mindset?
I think I’m always in a creative mindset! My work as a Graphic Designer and my love of photography and painting mean I always view the world and things in it in a way that means my creative head is constantly switched on!

Do you have a studio space? 
I have a dusty old 1980’s conservatory attached to my house which is good for nothing but storage and painting. However, if it’s a sunny day I love working outside in the sunlight where colours look more alive.

What advice do you have for other artists trying to make a living from their art?
As a graphic designer and an artist, I would say it’s 100% worth investing in yourself. Employ a professional to create your branding and website if it’s something that you don’t feel confident doing yourself. Any air of professionalism you want to display will be compromised with a ‘diy’ website that you’ve knocked together yourself. It’s an investment but you’re worth it. I think it’s then just a case of putting yourself out there and building up a following on social media platforms or locally within your community. Most towns will have somewhere that supports local artists, whether it’s with available exhibiting space or via art fairs.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself forward and make connections.

Arcesilaus by Victoria Harris
Arcesilaus by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris
Arcesilaus by Victoria Harris.
Image courtesy of Victoria Harris
Victoria Harris logo

Artist: Victoria Harris
Location: UK