What inspired the story behind your latest book?
I had a jet-black colt that I birthed on my farm. As I tore the sac, I saw two white paint wing markings on his shoulders. He then proceeded to dance with death with a series of life-threatening challenges. I fought hard to keep him afloat, but he died in my arms at 3 months old. My deep love of horses and all that this unusual and angelic foal, Blue Jeans shared with me, inspired the story. It’s a true story.
How does your personal experience influence the themes in your writing?
I wrote this novel through grief. The manuscript was completed within three months and I began writing his story a few days after he passed away. I knew it was important that I record everything. There were unbelievable miracles that took place and there were these other horribly hard moments. I did not leave anything out of the storytelling. Sometimes I was typing through a monsoon of tears. Other times, I was typing through sheer elation, joy and wonder.
Can you walk us through your writing process for this book? Did it differ from your previous work?
Yes. This book was very different to other books I have written. I saw it presented a certain way, before I even started. I had a clear image of how it would weave together—a flash of the pages, sentences, chapter names. I also saw a film being made of this story (which was not expected by any means) and that advanced special effects would be able to accurately represent the visions I had and the depiction of Horse Heaven. It was so odd. I truly had the feeling that the colt helped me with this work. He is one of the narrators and there is this sense, that he is invested in how the story is shared. Elijah Blue Jeans is the nineth book that I have written and it is the third book that I have had published.
How do you balance your work as both an author and a creative writer? Does one influence the other?
I love to write in a creative rush. This book was very pure in that regard. I never had the feeling that I couldn’t write it, in that, I didn’t experience any writer’s block. Instead, there was this strong conviction that the most important thing that I would do, besides give birth to my daughter, was to tell the full story of Blue Jeans. I put Sunday mornings aside. Sat up in bed with my laptop between 7am and 10am and kept that appointment for three months until every word was in place.
I am an English teacher who teaches high school students creative writing. I’m sure that my work experience was quite handy for spelling, punctuation and understanding storytelling formulas but it could never, ever in a million years, predict the path of the story. Something greater, something spiritual did that.
Which character or theme in your book are you most connected to, and why?
I am still very connected to Blue Jeans. I almost got a tattoo of him on my forearm shortly after he left. Instead, I discovered him firmly tattooed on my heart amongst all the words. I was given so much back from him. It humbles me. I cry. I am moved that I still get to see him in photographs from time to time. He just turns up. He was and still is, this very gentle heavenly creature and it’s his love that makes me weep in the places I haven’t cried yet.
What kind of impact do you hope this book will have on your readers?
I hope that this book will touch the heart of anyone who has lost a loved one. Blue Jeans wanted me to know that he had not really died, that his soul was very much alive. This is why I could not hold anything spiritual back from the writing. He wanted comfort for me and I’m pretty sure that same comfort is extended out to other people, families, animals, stories.
Were there any particular challenges you faced while writing this book?
None. Just to keep a steady focus on my laptop screen once the tears began to fall. I had no idea what I would be writing each Sunday morning, but I had absolutely no doubt about it, either. I have never written a book this way before. I’m a planner and an experimenter. When I look back, I remember giving myself completely over to something.
One of the chapters I wrote, began to form while I was out at our country markets. I had no paper, pen, laptop with me as the words came tumbling through. I borrowed six brown paper bags and a pen from the Goat Lady who had her stall right behind me and wrote about the Heavenly Pastures all over these bags. People jostled around, loud band music played etc; but I may as well have been living in a bubble.
Are there any hidden messages or layers in the book that you hope readers will discover over time?
Any hidden messages are probably still hidden from me. I think that people will read into the text in ways that are meaningful to them. I hope that they do. I think sometimes when we write, we have to learn to step aside, get out of the way and let words just be words, trusting they will land exactly where they are meant to.
How do you define success as an author? Is it critical acclaim, reader connection, or something else?
I love this question. I really do. The full success has already happened for me. My heart is just so full. I was very privileged to be able to capture his whole story. And I guess it is a bit like one of those spiritual photographs that continue: I can see, hear, feel, smell and touch his soul in those moments or when I read his narration. I get to be with him again, just for a moment. I’m so grateful. If that happens for a reader and they experience some form of peace and healing in their own life stories, then that’s the icing on the cake.
What are some themes or ideas that consistently appear in both your writing?
I tend to write about mother nature, people, things I love and spiritual aspects. I love the mystery and wonder of life. I also love that we can be really surprised. That there is this huge bag of tricks waiting quietly in the wings, just waiting to knock our socks off.
How do you decide whether an idea is better suited for a painting or a story?
Oh, I never decide that. I see the two are already joined. If a writer uses their adjectives correctly, the painting is revealed amongst the words. And if I was to paint a picture, I’d definitely be brush stroking with a stream of simple and complex sentences. I believe that both are the one language—secrets sprouting out from our souls.
What’s next for you? Are you exploring new themes or projects?
I am in the process of writing a few more books. Spirit Mountain is almost complete and has taken two years to write. In some ways it is a sequel to Elijah Blue Jeans. Ocean Devotion should be finished by December and then I am beginning work on a book called, Sera. These new works have very politely formed a cue in my busy mind. But I have learned not to get too overwhelmed by the load or wound up about the time factor, rather, enjoy the ride. I feel blessed. I get to live and breathe inside a book again.
What if a young horse held a powerful, supernatural secret? What would it take for the truth to be revealed? Elijah Blue Jeans is a true story about an extraordinary black colt with two distinct white paint markings on his shoulders, giving the visual impression of tiny, feathered wings. But who is he really?
Blue Jeans brings something quite extraordinary to the paddocks of a humble mountain farm. A brilliant light and radiance that unifies with the heart of anyone close—a pure and Heavenly love.
Narrated by a human, a foal, a mare and The Caretaker, this account explores the cycle of life and death in both earthly and celestial pastures. Elijah Blue Jeans is a story about never giving up and the unexpected arrival of timeless miracles.
For twelve years, Bronwen Kalea lived off the grid on a mountain farm in the beautiful hinterland of the Mid North Coast, Australia. She shared her rustic lifestyle with a cat, dogs, goats, geese, chooks and her beloved horses. She is mother to a university striving daughter and is a secondary school English teacher who loves the magic of storytelling, especially when it centres around human development, the mysterious and Mother Nature.
You can find out more about Bronwen on her website bronwenkalea.com.
A Curated Lifestyle Magazine Focused on Art, Creativity, Fashion, Books, Interiors, Mindfulness, Travel & Sustainability.